"Exposition Stillman " Galerie Bernheim-Jeune
December 15-28, 1928, Paris

Press Clippings
"Some thirty paintings and water colors are being exhibited by Mr.H. Ary Stillman, the American artist, in the galeries Bernheim Jeune. Mr.Stillman, who studied first at Sioux City, and then in New York, completed his artistic education by visiting European public galleries. In Paris he was influenced by Bonnard and Laprade and by Impressionism. His palette has a delicate charm which cannot be resisted. Among the best pieces in the exhibition are "Le Lapin," a still life in gray tones which recall Chardin; "Le Pont de Moret," some landscapes from South, particularly of Cassis, and some water colors, souvenirs of travel in which artist gives his impressions of people and landscapes of the East."
New York Herald, Paris Edition
Paris Art Notes
December 18, 1928
"The exhibition of young Stillman ably illustrates his talent for subtle and harmonious distinctions."
Garnet de la Semaine
December 21, 1928
"I don't know whether it is the reflection of his Russian heritage or a peculiar spiritual approach of the artist to his work that imbues his work with a strange mystic quality."
Poslednia Novosty
December 24, 1928
"Stillman reveals to us a keenly sensitive and talented artist. Stillman has mastered his craft and realizes this mastery in his paintings. His still-lifes are splendidly poised, his portraits living. He is a born painter, whose talent will assuredly mature harmoniously."
Figaro Artistique
December 27, 1928
"At the Bernheim-Jeune Galleries, the first Paris exhibition of the works of Ary Stillman brings the discovery of a fine temperament. One finds no metaphysics, no distortions or sham in these canvases. Certainly there is evidence of a scientific approach, but this is cleverly concealed. They are poems simple and direct, which come from the heart and move the heart."
Gazette de Paris
December 29, 1928
"Ary Stillman is a painter who is constantly experimenting in many directions and who has a splendid feeling for color harmonies. "
December 29, 1928
Talented Illuminator
"...The Bernheim-Jeune Gallery also contains the work many other talented artist. In one of the rooms on the first floor a young Russin-American artist, Mr. Stillman, after having studied at the New York Academy and visited the principal European towns, makes his debut with a number of canvases which show true artistic temperament. His work shows that he has introduced variety into his studies, which is an important point."
By H.F.E.
In the World of Art
December, 1928
Exhibited Artwork Titles
L'homme au Bornet Rouge, Environ de Cassis, Nature Morte (oiseaux), Paysage du Midi, Nu, Maison Rouge (Cassis), Tete de Femme, Ferme Dans le Midi, Place de la Poste a Cassis, Rue a Moret, Nature Morte (lapin), L'oree de la Foret, Paysage, Au Bord du Loing, Nature Morte (paissons), Coin a Cassis, Le Pont a Moret, Auto-Porte, Vieilles Maisons (Moret), Moulin (Moret), Cour de la Levrette (Moret), Types de l'Orient, Poissons, Types de l'Orient, Jeine Fille, Paysages de l'Orient, Bouddha, Paysages de l'Orient, Port a Cassis