Representational Canvases (1906-1945)

About the Painting
Post Office Square, Cassis (Place de la Poste, Cassis)
oil on canvas,
21 x 26 in.,
[Museum Collection]
The Ary Stillman
Green Room
University of Houston, Moores School of Music
120 School of Music Bldg
Houston, TX 77204-4017
Exhibited at Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris in 1928 and later at Ary Stillman Retrospective, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston in 1972.
See the complete collection of University of Houston, Moores School of Music,
The Ary Stillman Green Room
Current Exhibition
Coming Up Soon...
From Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism Edited by James Wechsler Foreword by Donald Kuspit