P R I N T S - L I T H O G
R A P H S & W O O D C U T S ( 1 9 5 0
& 1 9 5 3 )
Margaret Lowengrund, in 1950, persuaded Ary to join
a group of painters who gathered together with the idea of making
lithographs. There were 7 painters Ary, Sue Fuller, Boris
John von Wicht, Hans Moller, Will Barnet and Margaret herself.
Only she and Will Barnet had had any experience with lithographs.
Ary tried it a few months, and made two stones. However it didn't
interest him and he soon gave it up.
The 7 painters above had a show of lithographs
at the Jacques Seligmann Gallery in December 1950; the group was
called "Painter-Printers." Ary exhibited his two lithographs.
One of these was also included in the 35th Annual Exhibition of
American Etchers, Gravers, Lithographers and Woodcutters at the
Kennedy Galleries, February 1951. Art News reported:
"...Ary Stillman contributes modulated abstractions
in blue tonalities that combines amorphous forms with mottled
textures. The color imposition is expert and imaginative and has
produced a most satisfying stone."
Click on images to enlarge.
Arabesque #4
Lithograph |
Lithograph |
Abstract Print L1 |
Abstract Print L1, #5/3 |
Abstract Print L1, #5/5 |
Arabesque #2
Lithograph |
Ary's experience in making woodcuts lasted only
a few months probably during the winter of 1953. See "Reminiscences"
for more about woodcuts.
Woodcut #10, 2/2 |
Woodcut #14, 3/3 |
Woodcut #3, 3/1 |
Woodcut #13, 2/2 |
Woodcut #11, 4/3 |
Woodcut #11, 4/1 |
Woodcut #2, 2/1 |
Woodcut #6, 8/1 |
Woodcut #17, 2/1 |
Woodcut #17, 2/2 |
Woodcut #5, 7/5 |
Woodcut #5, 1/3 |
Woodcut #8, 4/3 |
Woodcut #12, 2/1 |
Woodcut #15, 2/2 |
Woodcut #4, 3/1 |
Woodcut #16, 1/1 |
Woodcut #9, 3/2 |
Woodcut #6 |
See more Woodcuts in Private