March 22-Apr 3, 1937
Recent Paintings by Ary Stillman
"Ary Stillman's fused colors go well with
night scenes, such as the new series of New York scenes he is
exhibiting at the Guild Art Gallery. "Times Square" and "Outdoor
show with best success his trend toward crowds and the subtle
chiaroscuro of night illumination. The color is darker in these
paintings than in the portraits and interiors with the softer,
more charming colors he used formerly. But there is still confusion
of values. This artist, who looks at life as through a prism,
sees only the blurred outlines, and real life escapes him."
Notes and Comment on Art Events in Art,
by Carlyle Burrows
New York Herald Tribune
April 4, 1937
"In the paintings by Ary Stillman now on view
at the Guild Gallery the impressionistic style of the artist
may be seen in a dozen or more studies of crowds. The swarming
effect of a multitude of faces and figures is particularly susceptible
to his personal handling of material, and he is plainly fascinated
by the patterns that evolve from the moving masses at such focal
points in a city as Times Square. In "Theatre Hour"
with its converging lines of traffic, crowded streets and palpitating
lights he has successfully created his scene, without the definite
definition of a single object, except perhaps a lamp post in
the foreground. His meaning, however, comes through the misty
atmosphere and the scene is alive with atmospheric suggestion
. "Outdoor
Theatre at Washington Square," in which the light from the
stage strikes the crowd, shows again his favorite subject, and
it is a dramatic and sympathetic treatment of the theme."
The Art News
April 3, 1937
"Ary Stillman, exhibiting at the Guild Gallery,
37 West 57th Street, has taken a new turn in his work. The cool
flicker of his earlier studio interiors, inhabited by romantic
and unsubstantial women, has given way to the quick pulse and
insistent rhythms of New York crowds. Everything is blurred and
and off focus and vibrant with the inexhaustible complexity of
the city's night life.
"Theatre Hour" dazzles with the flash
of city lights, while the dark moving crowd acts as a foil; "Sleety
Night," loaned by the Federal Art Project, is a harmony
of iridescent tonalities;
"Side Show at Coney Island" is the strongest thing
in the show, to my mind, because there is humanity here and a
vigorous design.
Essentially, Stillman loves the play of light and
the shimmer of surface texture almost to the point of impressionism.
The distinctions he draws is one of selection; harmonies are
restricted and refined and set in motion. Movement and surface
shimmer are all very well, but profound artists go below the
Art, by Jacob Kainen
Daily Worker, New York
March 31, 1937
"Ary Stillman, who is having a showing at
the Guild, 37 West 57th Street, derives largely of course from
the last century. His "Flowers" for example is suggestive
of the poetical approach of Redon, but in the main his work is
keyed to a subdued impressionism subdued in color, but
still primarily concerned with effects of light and atmosphere,
not that design in the larger sense is overlooked. But whatever
his theme, he lends the guiding hand of suggestion to the imagination,
which gives his work a generally charming and personal appeal.
"Theater Hour" at Broadways liveliest stretch;
"The Bowery at Coney Island" to mention but one of
his glamorous versions of that rather rowdy and garish resort,
seem particularly pleasing. You get the distilled essence of
it all without its vulgar reality, which last calls for sturdy
stomachs indeed."
The New York Sun
March 27, 1937
Fireworks, Coney
oil on canvas
32 x 24
Smith College
Museum of Art, MA |
Side Show, Coney
oil on canvas
24 x 30
Dayton Art Institute, OH |
"This years exhibit of paintings by Ary Stillman
at the Guild Art Gallery shows a further preoccupation with the
teeming life of the citys amusement seekers. Mr. Stillman
does not emphasize the blare of color that surrounds the crowds
on Broadway or at Coney Island. He is absorbed rather in rendering
the pulse-bat of the whole moving human spectacle. He does this
by keeping the whole canvas in a virtual monotone state, within
which he observes the most subtle distinctions in atmosphere
and movement."
The New York Post
March 27, 1937
Artwork Titles |
Broadway at Night |
Times Square |
Side Show, Coney Island |
Boweryat Coney Island |
Fireworks, Coney Island |
Outdoor Theatre at Washington Square |
The Bathers |
In Transit |
Coney Island, At Night |
Bathing Scene |
At My Window |
Forty-second Street |
Sleety Night |
Under the'El |
"Virginia Reel" at Coney Island |
Theatre Hour |