Representational Canvases (1906-1945)

About the Painting
Summer Cottage (Interior)
oil on canvas,
19 x 21 in.,
[Foundation Collection]
Exhibited in a group-show titled "American Art for Art's Sake" at Andre Seligmann Gallery, NY in 1943, and in a group-show titled "Painting in the United State" at Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts in 1943.
" its quiet unassuming way it is one of the most distinguished paintings of an interior that I've ever seen. It has something of a Bonnard quality except that I like it very much better than any Bonnard I ever saw. The delicate blue floor, the imaginative handling of the rug pattern, the arrangement of spatial areas, the delicacy and taste of the whole is extremely satisfaying."
Emily Genaur
New York World Telegram
April 10, 1943
Current Exhibition
Coming Up Soon...
From Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism Edited by James Wechsler Foreword by Donald Kuspit