P R E S S > P A R I S P
R E S S , 1 9 2 8 - 1 9 3 3
From Paris Press, 1928-1933 |
The Paintings
of Ary Stillman- Chicago Tribune,
By B.J.Kospoth, December 1928 |
True art
Brings Original Touch in Our Lives, Asserts H.Ary Stillman
- The Sioux City Tribune, By H.Ary Stillman, October 26,
1929 |
Ary Stillman's
American Indians - Chicago Sunday
Tribune (Paris Edition), By B.J.Kospoth, Sunday, November
9, 1930 |
Excerpts From
New York City Press, 1934-1945 |
From New York City Press About Ary &Music, 1946-1952 |
A Rich Life
of Painting - Houston Chronicle, March
3, 1968 |
2 Realities of Ary Stillman -
Houston Post, By Eleanor Freed |
Art Portrays 'Inner Reality' - San
Antonio Light, By Marcia Goren Weser, October 21, 1990 |
"The exhibition of young Stillman ably illustrates
his talent for subtle and harmonious distinctions."
Garnet de la Semaine
December 21, 1928
"I don't know whether it is the reflection of his Russian
heritage or a peculiar spiritual approach of the artist to his
work that imbues his work with a strange mystic quality."
Poslednia Novosty
December 24, 1928
"Stillman reveals to us a keenly sensitive and talented artist.
Stillman has mastered his craft and realizes this mastery in his
paintings. His still-lifes are splendidly poised, his portraits
living. He is a born painter, whose talent will assuredly mature
Figaro Artistique
December 27, 1928
"At the Bernheim-Jeune Galleries, the first Paris exhibition
of the works of Ary Stillman brings the discovery of a fine temperament.
One finds no metaphysics, no distortions or sham in these canvases.
Certainly there is evidence of a scientific approach, but this
is cleverly concealed. They are poems simple and direct, which
come from the heart and move the heart."
Gazette de Paris
December 29, 1928
"Ary Stillman is a painter who is constantly experimenting
in many directions and who has a splendid feeling for color harmonies."
December 29, 1928
"Stillman is well named, for if I am not mistaken his name
means a man of silence. Indeed, Stillman is a silent artist. He
appears to be a painter who despises bluff and blustering and
who has carefully avoided philosophies full of sterile theories,
and artificially enlightened schools. Stillman is silent, but
in a discreet manner. The resonance and profundity of his work
are there for those who know how to discover and see them."
Paris Soir
January 2, 1929
"Ary Stillman has succeeded in rising above the ordinary
picturesquness. He is a painter above all else."
La Renaissance
December 1930
"The rich and extraordinary luminous colors sensitively juxtaposed
recalls to mind the styles of no other artist."
January 2, 1931
Among American exhibitors, it is but justice to call
attention to Ary Stillman, whose PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL and
INDIAN DANCE are the work of a delicate and sincere artist. Since
his last one-man show, Stillman has perfected the original technique
which distinguishes his paintings and gives them almost the effect
of tapestries. This curious process has proved exceptionally effective
in his portrait, which is a very beautiful picture, radiating
deep feeling and a strange, subdued harmony of color that is extremely
Chicago Daily Tribune, Paris Edition
January 24, 1931
Review of Salon Des Independents, 400 paintings exhibited
"These sensitive and harmonious works of Stillman have a
plastic beauty."
L'Ame Gauloise
February 15, 1931
"Stillman stands out; his portrait of a woman arranging flowers
is a solid piece of work, yet very delicately handled."
Le Quotidien
July 9, 1932
"Stillman true poet that he is, approaches his subject with
an understanding for that which is not always apparent on the
exterior. A thoughtful glance, the trembling quiver of a mouth,
the ardent pallor, where the oval emerges from the shadows, the
relaxed hand all his portraits take on a significance that
reveals understanding nobility of the painter."
La Concord
January 6, 1933